- Market-Driven Strategy
- Becoming Market Oriented
- Distinctive Capabilities
- Creating Value for Customers
- Becoming Market Driven
- Challenges of a New Era for Strategic Marketing
Market-Driven Strategy
- All business strategy decisions should start with a clear understanding of markets, customers, and competitors.
- The market and the customers that form the market should be the starting pint in shaping business strategy.
Why Pursue a Market-Driven Strategy?
- Strong supporting logic
- Achievements of companies displaying market-driven characteristics are impressive
Examples include:
- Dell Inc.
- Louis Vuitton
- Southwest Airlines
- Tesco
- Tiffany & Co.
- Wal-Mart
- Zara
- Customer is the focal point of the organization
- Commitment to continuous creation of superior customer value
- Superior skills in understanding and satisfying customers
- Requires involvement and support of the entire workforce
- Monitor rapidly changing customer needs and wants
- Determine the impact of changes on customer satisfaction
- Increase the rate of product innovation
- Pursue strategies to create competitive advantage
Characteristics of Market Orientation
Customer Focus
What are the customer’s value requirements?
Competition Intelligence
Importance of understanding the competition as well as the customer.
Cross-Functional Coordination
Remove the walls between business functions.
Performance Consequences
Market orientation leads to superior organizational performances.
Market Orientation
Information Acquisition
- Gather relevant information on customers, competition, and markets
- Involve all business functions
- Intuit’s Quicken
Inter-functional Assessment
§ Share information and develop innovative products with people from different functions.
§Shared diagnosis and action
§ Deliver superior customer value
“Capabilities are complex bundles of skills and accumulated knowledge, exercised through organizational processes, that enable firms to coordinate activities and make use of their assets.”
Southwest Airline’s Distinctive Capabilities Organizational Processes
Southwest uses a point-to-point route system rather than the hub-and-spoke design used by many airlines. The airline offers services to 57 cities in 29 states, with an average trip about 500 miles. The carrier’s value proposition consists of low fares and limited services (no meals). Nonetheless, major emphasis throughout the organization is placed on building a loyal customer base. Operating costs are kept low by using only Boeing 737 aircraft, minimizing the time span from landing to departure, and developing strong customer loyalty. The company continues to grow by expanding its point-to-point route network.
Skills and Accumulated Knowledge
The airline has developed impressive skills in operating its business model at very low cost levels. Accumulated knowledge has guided management in improving the business design over time.
Coordination of Activities
Coordination of activities across business functions is facilitated by the point-to-point business model. The high aircraft utilization, simplification of functions, and limited passenger services enable the airline to manage the activities very efficiently and to provide on-time point-to-point services offered on a frequent basis.
Southwest’s key assets are very low operating costs, loyal customer base, and high employee esprit de corps.
Customer Value:
§Value for buyers consists of the benefits less the costs resulting from the purchase of products.
§Superior value: positive net benefits
Creating Value:
§“Customer value is the
outcome of a process that begins with a business strategy anchored in a deep
understanding of customer needs.”
Market Driven Initiatives
Market Sensing Capabilities
–Effective processes for learning about markets
•Collected information needs to be shared across functions and interpreted to determine proper actions.
Customer Linking Capabilities
–Create and maintain close customer relationships
§Strategic marketing faces unprecedented challenges and opportunities:
- Turbulent markets
- Intense competition
- Disruptive innovations
- Escalating customer demands
§Ethical Challenges
§Societal and Global Change
§Social Responsiveness of Organizations
Escalating Globalization
It is important to understand the differences (and similarities) between the developed economies and the new world beyond.
Market opportunities
Competitive threats
Partnering opportunities
Outsourcing initiatives
The world’s poor
Ethical Behavior and Social Responsiveness
Increasingly demanding ethical challenges
Corporate responsibility

Responsibilities to stakeholders

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